A simple resource management system for Into the Odd Inventory Each character has 8 slots to carry items. All items are either normal or Bulky (per Electric Bastionland ). Normal items take 1 slot. Bulky items take 2 slots. Note, there is no "X quantity of this item fits in 1 slot". e.g. If you have 4 vials of poison, it takes 4 slots to carry them. Encumbrance Per my magic rules , carrying 1 or more Bulky items makes spell casting risky. Per Electric Bastionland , carrying 2 or more Bulky items puts you at risk of becoming Deprived from fatigue. (In EB , Deprived means you can no longer regain HP during Short Rests .) Treasure A single treasure is treated as a single, indivisible item. Most treasures are Bulky . Some treasures are Unwieldy -- they cannot be carried in your inventory. You must come up with a plan, equipment, personnel, etc. to transport them. Wealth Aside from treasures, all other monies -- small amount of coins you loot from b...
In which I write about tabletop RPGs and very little about pastries.